3 Ways to Waterproof Your Basement

Although basements can be extremely useful regions of your home, many of them are damp or leaky, making them unsuitable choices for any purpose. Waterproofing your interior walls is an easy solution but may not solve the problem, while taking care of the issues on the exterior can greatly increase your chances of having a dry basement or crawlspace. The 1st place to start is to make sure your gutters and downspouts are adequate and clear of debris and that the ground does not slope toward your foundation. Next would be to have downspout extensions installed, extending a minimum of 20 ft from the foundation, making sure to move the water away, and also to a lower grade if at all possible. The next steps would be to have french drains installed or even to have your foundation excavated to install or repair failed foundation drain tile. And while you're at it, you may also consider resealing the exterior of your foundation.

While all of these are great practices and all can be accomplished as a DIY Project depending on your skill level, there are different practices depending on your region. Please do your research to pick the appropriate application for your home.

For a free evaluation, contact us at 859-743-0363 to set up an appointment.

If you would like to do some research of your own,

I would suggest checking out 2 of my mentors' YouTube Channels.




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